The big clean-up commenced today as our weekend guests had departed. After stripping beds, cleaning guest rooms and polishing glass doors all morning, I went to the kitchen as I was in charge of preparing lunch. I decided to spice up the reheated bolognese by turning it into chilli, and I also transformed last night's leftover boiled potatoes into a yummy potato salad. Genius.
The afternoon was fairly quiet as we'd finished our jobs, so I had a little nap. Eve was cooking on her own that night, as part of her staff challenge, so she made us her special dish of tuna pasta surprise, and indeed we were very pleasantly surprised that the sauce made up of tuna, ketchup, mayo and bbq sauce could taste so good! Even more exciting, was that she'd made pancakes and ice cream floats for dessert. Tomorrow is Stef's turn to cook alone, and it's Indian food so I can't wait. I need to decide what meal I can cook for everyone...
Spent the evening practising the Single Ladies dance with Stef again, with Eve watching over us as official director. We revised the first part that we'd learned the other night - again and again and again. It looks much better now. That's a third of the dance learned, so lots more to go. We're determined to master this. Maybe there will be a video in future if you're lucky!
Finally, to end the day, we iced Stef's 'Black Magic Cake' in preparation for her meal tomorrow. I was very happy to help out with this, as it meant I got to eat the leftover icing on the spoon. I'm stealing the recipe from her because it tastes amazing!
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